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Run Internet Explorer 5, 5.5, 6 and 7 natively on Mac OS X Leopard or Tiger
·238 words·2 mins
Blog Features Apple Mac OS X MacOSX Osx Leopard Tiger Mac Windows Internetexplorer Explorer IE IE7 IE6 Parallels
Rails: calculated column caching
·243 words·2 mins
Blog Features Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails Cache Sort Order Find Select Join
Bash it! - Number of messages in Postfix queue
·37 words·1 min
Blog Features Linux Bash Bash IT Shell Postfix Scripting Mail Server Queue Email Messages
Flash not clearing after a request?
·167 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features Tips
Rails 2.0 New Features
·792 words·4 mins
General Features
Content_for, yield and making sure something gets displayed
·268 words·2 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
Blueprint 0.5 Rails Plugin released
·48 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features
BlueprintCSS Rails Generator
·177 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features
Super Simple Authentication Plugin and Generator
·318 words·2 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
Using Iconv to convert UTF-8 to ASCII (on Linux)
·207 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features Ruby
Clear DNS Cache on your router
·301 words·2 mins
General Features Linux
How to write a Rails Plugin (for controllers)
·1227 words·6 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
How to create and apply a patch with Subversion
·545 words·3 mins
General Features Subversion
How to force data to be downloaded as a file from your Rails app
·367 words·2 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
ActiveScaffold + acts_as_taggable + Auto Complete
·495 words·3 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
Rails production server setup and deployment on Ubuntu/Debian
·1516 words·8 mins
General RubyOnRails Features Linux Ubuntu
Action Mailer: All mail comes from MAILER DAEMON
·122 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features Ruby
BASH your SVN and Trac installation!
·380 words·2 mins
General Features Bash
ActiveScaffold, Acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
·516 words·3 mins
General RubyOnRails Features ActiveScaffold
Ultimate List of Ruby Resources
·214 words·2 mins
General Web Development RubyOnRails Features Lists Ruby
Send mail with a BASH Shell Script
·252 words·2 mins
General Features Bash Shell Scripts
Find and Replace with a MySQL Query
·135 words·1 min
General Databases Features MySQL
Trac, WebAdmin plugin and global configuration
·383 words·2 mins
General Features Linux Ubuntu Trac
Slow connections with ProFTPD
·127 words·1 min
General Features Linux Ubuntu
Installing RMagick Ruby Gem on Mac OS X 10.4.9
·254 words·2 mins
General RubyOnRails Features Mac OS X Ruby
MERGE request failed on ‘/path/to/file’
·139 words·1 min
General Features Subversion Trac
Rails Snippet: Write like Orwell with to_sentence
·162 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features
Rails, Resources and Permalinks
·435 words·3 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
TipSnippet: Create a RSS feed
·284 words·2 mins
General RubyOnRails Features TipSnippets
Subversion: How to revert to a previous revision
·105 words·1 min
General Features Subversion
Rails Tip Snippet: Create a comma-seperate list
·71 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features TipSnippets
Be productive! 37 things you can do on the toilet
·994 words·5 mins
General Blog Features Lists Fun Productivity
Rails Tip Snippet: Logging informational messages to your log
·124 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Features TipSnippets
Wordpress Plugin: AutoFlickr 1.0
·219 words·2 mins
General Wordpress Features AutoFlickr
4 Unusual uses for Subversion
·267 words·2 mins
General Features Subversion
Subversion Cheat Sheet 1.0!
·124 words·1 min
General Features Subversion
Ruby: Sort an array of objects by an attribute
·174 words·1 min
General Features Ruby
Rails: Nested resource scaffold
·487 words·3 mins
General Everything Features
New in Rails: Resource Scaffold Generator
·214 words·2 mins
General RubyOnRails Features
“Print this page” with Ruby on Rails
·302 words·2 mins
General Everything RubyOnRails Features
Rails: Group results by week (using group_by)
·393 words·2 mins
General Everything RubyOnRails Features
Textmate+Rails: Easy partials for better code
·603 words·3 mins
General Everything RubyOnRails Features Textmate
SVN: Merge a branch with your trunk
·229 words·2 mins
General Everything Features Subversion
SVN: How often should you commit?
·448 words·3 mins
General Everything Features Subversion
Show the current SVN revision in your Rails app
·284 words·2 mins
General Everything RubyOnRails Features Subversion Capistrano
Install ruby-mysql on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
·168 words·1 min
General Everything RubyOnRails Features Mac OS X
Installing Rails on Ubuntu Dapper / Edgy
·412 words·2 mins
General Everything RubyOnRails Features
How to setup a Ubuntu development server - Part 2
·608 words·3 mins
General Everything Web Development Features Ubuntu
How to setup a Ubuntu development server - Part 1
·1254 words·6 mins
General Everything Web Development Features Ubuntu Subversion
SVN: How to structure your repository
·962 words·5 mins
General Everything Features Subversion
WordPress: Author comment highlighting
·284 words·2 mins
General Everything Wordpress Web Development Features
SVN: How to fix bugs properly
·899 words·5 mins
General Everything Web Development Features Subversion
SVN: How to release software properly
·857 words·5 mins
General Everything Web Development Features Subversion
CUPS: 426 - Upgrade Required
·127 words·1 min
General Everything Features Linux Ubuntu
WordpressMu: Don’t allow new blogs
·213 words·1 min
General Everything Features WordPressMu
Tagging in ajax_scaffold
·468 words·3 mins
General Everything Web Development RubyOnRails Features
Migrate SQLite3 to MySQL easily
·275 words·2 mins
General Everything RubyOnRails Databases Features
Generate a SQlite-based Rails app
·187 words·1 min
General Everything RubyOnRails Databases SQlite Features