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Wordpress Plugin: AutoFlickr 1.0

·219 words·2 mins· ·
General Wordpress Features AutoFlickr
Ariejan de Vroom
Ariejan de Vroom
Jack of all Trades, Professional Software Craftsman

This post announces my first Wordpress Plugin: AutoFlickr.

What does it do?

When enabled, AutoFlickr will automatically find and insert one ore more photos that are related to the content of your post. Photos are found and hosted on Flickr.


  • Automatically insert one or more photos
  • Customizable (photo size, number of photos and type of search).
  • Option to select what pages to automatically show photos.


  1. Download the latest version here: AutoFlickr 1.0.
  2. <li>Unzip the downloaded file and put the entire 'autoflickr' directory in /wp-content/plugins</li>
    <li>Activate the plugin under Plugins</li>
    <li>Go to Options -> AutoFlickr to customize the settings. </li>

That’s it. Optionally you may want to adapt autoflickr.css to change the way the images are aligned and styled.

If you want to include images in another place than the default, you may disable AutoFlickr for all pages and include the following PHP code in your template. Note that this code must be used within “The Loop”.

<?php echo autoflickr_html(); ?>


This plugin was developed for You can see the plugin in action when reading a single story.


Please leave a comment or contact me directly if you have any questions regarding this plugin.

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